Sardinia is located in the Mediterranean Sea near the island of Corsica. Cagliari is the capital of the island.
The southern part of the island is famous for its beautiful sandy beaches, warm and clear sea. Coast covered with palm trees. To the north there are many nature reserves, this place is ideal for excursions.
The period of the summer season is the same, as well as on the mainland - from May to November. Snorkellers will appreciate the beauty of the sea off the coast of the island, which is recognized as the most beautiful in Italy. The beaches are very diverse - there are extensive, and there are small coves. You can often find the situation, when the equipment is issued to relax completely free of charge. Hotels are a couple of dozen meters from the sea and is quite distant from each other.
The South there are cheaper hotels, which are suitable for active youth recreation. On the vast territory of the hotel are all things at once.
Very popular in Italy, enjoy the local wine, especially sweet muscatel "Cannonau Agriolas".
Fans of medieval architecture advised to visit the city of Sassari. There are many churches. It is worth noting Palatsetto-d'Uzini- medieval palace, which is open to tourists, medieval walls and Rosello Fountain. Nearby is the town of Sassari Castelsardo - a stronghold of medieval architecture. Interesting tours are conducted in the cave of Neptune, near the cape of Capo Caccia. The most beautiful place on the island is St. Antico. According to the theory first appeared here Phoenicians.
Thanks to the quiet and beautiful sea this place has become a favorite among fans of diving. It is worth to highlight the location near a number of smaller islands of La Maddalena. Budelli island has an unusual pink sand. At the museum there Maddalena, among exhibits, weight materials found at the bottom with sunken ships.

See also:

8 thoughts on “What is remarkable Sardinia?

  1. РоманБ

    And though there is Sardines? )) Although the island, must, classy – Sredizemnoe Sea, mild climate, friendly people.

  2. Anna Pyatkina

    Сардиния много чем хороша. В ней можно и побыть на море, и позагорать на пляже, и побывать в городе церквей – Сассари, и побывать в пещере Нептуна, а остановиться можно в отеле там. Любители дайвинга тоже не будут скучать в Сардинии, так как для этого есть Сант- Антико. Я бы очень хотела побывать в Сардинии.

  3. salemisto

    Nephew in August vacationing in Porto Torres in the family knew of his parents. This month, spent there, do not know. Вроде как чересчур повзрослел 🙂 Климат похвалил – wonderful warm and soft. Clean sea. Although public beaches they've never been – always went out of town (25-30 minute, he feels). He brought humor and Italian …these.. buzzwords, sort of “каписка”, “Sardegna” and so on.. Boy alive! Impressions – for the week of evening talks.

  4. Anna

    Сардиния это рай на земле, там неповторимая нигде красота, вода прозрачная природа настолько разнообразна что в прямом смысле диву даешься.

  5. Maiki

    Остров Буделли, known, охраняется. Прогуляться по розовому песку невозможно.

  6. ViVi

    Sardinia, Italy, south, heat – it is a simple piece of paradise on earth! Liked the fact, that the equipment is free of charge for the rest. У нас даже и на этом деньги дерут 🙂

  7. Nemfort

    Сардиния одна из лучших мест для отдыха , можно взять лодку на прокат и с ветерком прокатится вокруг берегов острова рассматривая красивые места этого райского чуда.

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