Fairy tale near Moscow. Where to go for the weekend by car?

Auto travel is becoming increasingly popular, especially with restrictions on international flights. The regions closest to Moscow also have unique places, where you can collect a lot of positive memories. About, where to go for the weekend, knows member of the Russian Geographical Society, traveler and event agency manager «Automind» Alexey Simakin.


With my heart «golden ring», of course, is the ancient city of Suzdal. The completely preserved historical environment and the stone chambers of the princes delight and amaze those, who is here for the first time. The city is even more magnificent in winter thanks to its unique snow-covered expanses. You definitely need to come here for a couple of days, to see the beautiful local Kremlin, many different museums, several monasteries. It’s nice to just walk along the streets of this town and enjoy the peace and tranquility. Article on the topic NC for salvation. What things should you put in your car in winter??


When visiting Ples it is easy to understand, why does he like to celebrate his birthday here? Dmitry Medvedev. I was inspired by the beauty of the landscapes of Plyos Levitan. And through the efforts of local authorities, the city was transformed into an open-air museum. Here you can get acquainted with ancient life and have a delicious lunch. You should definitely visit the eco-village «Authoritative side», to bake bread in a Russian oven, feed the geese and rabbits and relax by the samovar.


This city on the Volga did not become an accident «The capital of barge haulers». The main waterways converge here, and here there was active trade. The Rybinsk grain exchange was second only to the St. Petersburg one in terms of turnover. The architectural environment of the 19th century has been fully preserved in Rybinsk, Walking along its streets you can imagine pictures of life, described Gilyarovsky. You can also try sterlet here, prepared according to historical recipes. In addition to the State Museum, in Rybinsk you can visit the first and only piano museum and see the instruments, on which great composers worked. In addition, Not far from the city is the village of Khopylevo, where was the famous naval commander born? Admiral Ushakov.

Kostroma and Rostov-on-Don

Kostroma — this is the birthplace of the Snow Maiden. In 1873 famous year playwright Alexander Ostrovsky, impressed by the natural beauty of the Shchelykov estate, makes a play «Snow Maiden» about the fabulous land of the Berendeys. In Kostroma you can still see the creations of Russian architects, who built wooden temples without one nail, try real Kostroma cheese and find out, where Ivan Susanin took the uninvited guests. Article on the topic Zarina Doguzova: “Russian winter is a tourism brand”

On the way to Kostroma, you can stop by Rostov-on-Don Veliky and listen to legends about the underwater town, meet the monster of Lake Nero and find out, why do they never bathe in it?, and also take a selfie at the filming location «Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession».

Tarusa and Polenovo estate

The quiet provincial town on the Oka River has preserved almost everything from patriarchal antiquity. It has places, associated with names Marina Tsvetaeva, Bella Akhmadulina, Konstantin Paustovsky. One of the main attractions is the Polenovo estate, belonging to the family of the famous Russian painter Vasily Polenov.

After the revolution, the estate was not requisitioned and was left to the family to organize a museum. All museum directors were direct relatives of the artist, this is why the main objects of the estate remained unchanged. All things and decorations from the late 19th century have been preserved here.. I get the feeling, that the artist and his children still live within the walls of the estate.

There is a guided tour of the Big House, by the Abbey (workshop of Vasily Dmitrievich). Curious to look into the Admiralty — here they show one of the artist’s latest works, diorama. And the walk itself around the estate and to the banks of the Oka is worth a lot.

Yesenin House

Every poetry connoisseur should visit the Municipal Museum-Reserve of Sergei Yesenin. In the center of the village of Konstantinovo, opposite the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, there is a small peasant house. Here, in 1895 Sergei Yesenin was born. In 1965 this year «golden log cabin» opened a house-museum of the famous Russian poet. Over time, a whole complex of memorial buildings appeared in Konstantinov.

Chekhov Museum-Reserve «Melihovo»

Chekhovskoe Melihovo — one of the best pages in the history of Russian history. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov lived here for seven years, with 1892 on 1899 year. Not only the writer lived here, but also a doctor, treated a huge number of patients, who fought cholera; public figure, school builder.

Today the museum's collection, consisting of 30 thousand items, includes a unique collection of Chekhov artifacts: autographs A. P. Chekhov and his relatives, authentic photos, memorial items. Article on the topic New Year's tourism. How to spend your holidays usefully?

Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve A. With. Pushkin

It is generally accepted, that the main vacation spot of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the Mikhailovskoye estate near Pskov. But in his childhood he lived in the Zakharovo estate near Moscow., which is called his poetic homeland.

Specifically in these places, in my grandmother's estate near Moscow, Pushkin saw the beauty of Russian nature for the first time, peasant round dances, heard folk songs, saw the life of the wealthy and provincial nobility, This is where his views on life were formed, here he began to write his first poems, here he emerged as a great national poet. Pushkin came here during the most difficult periods of his own life..

В фондах Музея-заповедника Пушкина хранятся уникальные предметы усадебной культуры XVII-XIX веков

Усадьба Середниково

Отлично отреставрированная усадьба находится под управлением прямого потомка М. Ю. ЛермонтоваМиши Лермонтова (младшего). Вложенные в реставрацию средства сделали из некогда аварийного объекта райский уголок, который полюбили кинематографисты. Тут снимались многие фильмы, including «Адмиралъ», «Слуга государев», «Глянец» и др. Архитектурно-парковый ансамбль сохранил на собственной территории 16 исторических строений и пейзажный парк с мостиками и прудами.

В этой усадьбе провел юношеские годы поэт Миша Юрьевич Лермонтов.

Source: aif.ru

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