Falkland Islands Antarctica, Stories of tourists

Tours in Antarctica often chosen by those tourists, who prefer extreme sports. The most untapped corner of the planet affects its grandeur and beauty of the wilderness.

Like many other beautiful places on the planet Antarctica is famous for its corners, which are visited by tourists. One of these places are the Falkland Islands with their own unique nature. On these islands, there are a variety of animals, who live only here and not in any other point of the planet. For example, Магеллановы гуси, who enjoy immunity in these parts. The offender will make this amazing bird fork over 3000 pounds, therefore, you can often see the whole convoy, which drags "at a snail's pace" for the family of this rare species, No overtaking it.


Tourists, who came to the Falkland Islands, invited to look at the names of the once sunken ships near the Falkland, which is lined with stones near the port Stenliyskim. This tradition, Despite its centuries-old, supported by residents of the islands and now.

Especially popular in the area enjoys "stone river" nosâŝaâ name River of Stones. From a distance, it seems, this is a real river, but up close it's a huge pile of gray stones, reminiscent of the wave.

Although, that Antarctica is the driest continent of the planet there is always something to see and things to marvel at, therefore, to date, This place is no less popular, than the pyramids of Egypt.

Dessert for today - video, фото отчет Фолклендские острова http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = jl20qsvk7EU

2 thoughts on “Falkland Islands Antarctica, Stories of tourists

  1. Olichka

    Даже не думала, что за эти небольшие острова идет самая что ни на есть “холодная” война, поскольку и Великобритания, и Аргентина считают Фолклендские острова своей территорией.

  2. Sergei

    Фолклендские острова – необычный и экстремальный отдых в Антарктике. Недаром в последнее время он очень популярен. Я бы тоже не отказался там побывать.

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