Mui Ne - one of the most popular among Russian tourists in the villages Vietnam. On the one hand - this is an ordinary fishing village, but on the other - a wonderful place for windsurfing- and kitesurfing. Besides, all year round here is great for riding the waves weather, prices are acceptable for Russian, and, what is most important, for entry into Vetnam not need a visa issue.
How to get to Mui Ne. The easiest way to go first in Ho Chi Minh City - one of the largest cities in Vietnam. From there to Mui Ne can be reached by bus (comments 200 km). The ticket will cost you 5-7$ , the road goes 5-6 hours. If you do not save money, can take a taxi. Truth, it will cost much more (comments 70-90$).
В деревне Так как Муйне пользуется среди туристов большой популярностью, Many local residents were engaged in the hotel business. This means, that problems with the registration will not be available in. If you want to stay in a hotel room by the sea, prepare to spend at least 30$. If you are ready to go, You can find the room and for 15$. For a large company the best option - rent villas. Most of them are located close to the coast. As for the food - a fishing village, so the main course, which serves local cafe, will fish. comments, given the number of Russian tourists, in the menu, you can even find borscht!
Dessert for today - видео дервни Муйне во Вьетнаме = B9TqsAZ2o_0&feature=player_detailpage часть.2: = dO3DSuYGMQQ&feature=player_detailpage
It would be nice to see. Vietnamese general to the Russian bad concern, and then there's a lot I personally like the Russian, the two do not have to explain what you have learned English phrases, what you want
The best place for kite surfing. A lot of people do not, and the prices are very acceptable, the climate is very mild.
Cool place for the budget traveler. Took, packed up and came. Even with the language specific problems will not arise. I take on a note.
Vietnam loved, very special experience left a cruise on the bay and visit Holong pelicans caves.
Very interesting and non-standard version of the leisure. Especially in the winter time, when the Black Sea is not the season for surfers.
At the expense of borscht: I'd like to see how it is prepared Vietnamese. Well, if a lot of fellow, then you can go, Still no one will among strangers.
Russian tourists have become boring, Turkey and Egypt, and in the Arab countries is not the calm. About the resorts of Krasnodar Territory do not say anything because a lot of money, we have the quality of rest is extremely low. That's starting to be in demand countries such as Vietnam.