London today, as, however, and at all times, is very popular among foreigners. It is a city, which takes millions every year… |
Heading: United Kingdom
On a visit to the Queen of England!
And here came the long-awaited vacation ... Country for tourist travel is selected - England. Let's try to understand the mentality of the local inhabitants, to… |
The best city for shopping (shopping) – London
Fashionistas from all over the world annually visit dozens of cities in search of just such a garment, shoes and accessories, that would satisfy them… |
Едем в “Страну чудес”!
All, кто в детстве был знаком с творчеством Л. Кэрролла, приглашаются в Страну чудес, возведённую в Оксфорде. By default Oxford calls… |